We have followed some incidents of tazing at BlackPerspective.net for awhile now.

Now with the Afrosphere Action Coalition and other blog comrades, we’re making a concerted push to make sure the public is aware of the abusive, liberal and unnecessary use of tazering that is causing damage and death to people who are not even engaged in violence – from pregnant women, to suicidal bridge jumpers, to handcuffed nearly unconscious victims, to the wheelchair bound victims.
Extra-Judicial Electracution should not be the first resort everytime somebody doesn't jump as fast as a cop would like; it should only be the last resort short of needing to use a gun.
We have had a number of recent incidents that have pushed this issue to the forefront:
Tazering an unarmed sucidial man off a bridge
Man tazed to death after shoptlifting a grocery story gift cared because he was speaking too "loudly".
Louisisna man tasered to death while in handcuffs; 9 times
Enoght Is Enough
A Polish man going to Canada to live with his mother was tasered to death just because he didn’t speak English and was dazed and frustrated after spending almost an entire day in airport customs with no direction on where to go so he could be picked up by his mother. Instead of helping him, police killed him: